
Relationship between Ultra High- Temperature Milk Consumption and High Glycemic Index Food with Acne Vulgaris at Medicine Faculty Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Ago Harlim, Daisy Liadiniar Tri Wigati

Although Acne Vulgaris is not a serious skin disease, it can generate psychological issues for the sufferers. Because Acne Vulgaris could cause a lack of self-confidence to the sufferers. The cause of Acne Vulgaris is multifactorial such as genetic, stress, cosmetic, and food. The Food that could cause Acne Vulgaris are biscuits, French fries, and a doughnut. The purpose of this research is to observe the relation of Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milk consumption and high glycemic index food with Acne Vulgaris in FK UKI students. The research uses a case-control approach. The population of this research case is the Acne Vulgaris sufferers in pre-clinical active students of FK UKI, while the population of research control is the Acne Vulgaris nonsufferers in pre-clinical active students of FK UKI. The research sample is 56 cases and 56 controls. The research instrument is questionnaire and photograph evident of front, right and left side look. The normality evaluation analysis is conducted using Kolmogorov – Smirnov. There are no normal distribution results found, therefore bivariate analysis uses Mann Whitney U evaluation. Moreover, the multivariate analysis is conducted using logistic regression evaluation. The research result in the bivariate analysis found a relation between consumption of UHT milk (p=0,000), French fries (p=0,016) and doughnut (p=0,000) to Acne Vulgaris. In multivariate analysis found that UHT milk has the highest risk for the occurrence of Acne Vulgaris (p=0,000). The summary of this research found there is a relation between UHT Milk, French fries, and doughnut consumption with Acne Vulgaris in students of FK UKI.

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 180-185

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201019