
Volume 11, 03-Special Issue

How to Improve on the Customer’s Buying Process at the Milkbar Bandung (Through Store Atmosphere and Pricing Policy)

Annisa Lisdayanti, Ayuningtyas Yuli Hapsari and Faris Muhammad Firdaus

Pages: 1-8

Analysis of Factors that Affect Auditor Fee toward the Dysfunctional Audit Behavior

Debbie Christine and Hotmarojahan Sitanggang

Pages: 9-14

The Usefulness of Balanced Scorecard to Improve Indonesia Tourism Performance

Dini Verdania Latif and Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi

Pages: 15-18

Effectiveness of Compliance Audit on Internal Control, Laws and Regulations in Achieving Good Corporate Governance


Pages: 19-30

The Influence of Third Party Funds and Credit Distribution to Non-Performing Loan (NPL) (Empirical Study on Conventional Banking Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange Period013-2016)

Eddy Winarso and Diana Maryanti Putri

Pages: 31-48

Why are Student Reluctant to be Active in Student Activities? (A Case Study of Widyatama Taekwondo Team Bandung)

Galuh Boga Kuswara and Tezza Adriansyah Anwar

Pages: 49-57

The Effect of Profitability Ratio, Capital Structure, and Trade Volume to Stock Price in Mining Industry Period 2013-2016

Helin Garlinia

Pages: 58-64

The Condition of Bid-Ask Spread before and after Stock Split (Case Study in Companies Registered at Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009-2013)

Ivan Gumilar Sambas Putra

Pages: 65-71

Application of Electronic Supply Chain Management in Managing the Information of Electronic Company by Utilizing the Extraprise Value Network

Muhammad Rozahi Istambul and Ishak Abdulhak

Pages: 72-85

The Analysis of Impact of Multinational Company Operations Closing to Share Price Company in Indonesia (Study on Automotive Sector)

Mirna Dianita, Yogo Heru Prayitno, Remon Gunanta and Niki Hadian

Pages: 86-96

Role of Market: How Knowledge Acquisition Impact on Investment Recovery and Reverse Logistics towards Sustainability Performance

Nissa Syifa Puspani, Arry Hutomo and Obsatar Sinaga

Pages: 97-116

Level of Health of Investee Company of Handicraft Small Enterprises after being funded by Venture Capital

R. Ait Novatiani and R. Wedi Rusmawan Kusumah

Pages: 117-122

Effect of Export, Import, Investment &Exchange Rate Trends to Indonesian Economic Growth: Approach with Cointegration and Error Correction Method (ECM)

R. Roosaleh Laksono and Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi

Pages: 123-137

Conceptual Research: Sharia-based Cryptocurrency

R.A.E. Virgana, Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi and Obsatar Sinaga

Pages: 138-143

The Influence Perceived Services Quality on Trust and Satisfaction the Effect to Loyalty in Students of Widyatama University

Titto Rohendra

Pages: 144-148

Modeling of Information System of Tourism Object for Travellers

Ucu Nugraha and Parlindungan Harahap

Pages: 149-153

Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Operational Costs on Operational Income, The Influence on Return on Equity (Survey of Foreign Exchange National Private Banks Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period 2014-2016)

Acep Edison, Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi and Obsatar Sinaga

Pages: 154-160

Safety Awareness Improvement Effort through Integrated Safety Management

Ai Rosita, Agus Rahayu and Lili Adi Wibowo

Pages: 161-172

Supply Chain Management and Total Quality Management in Textile Manufacturing Companies, Bandung

Agatha Rinta Suhardi, Abdul Rozak, Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi and Obsatar Sinaga

Pages: 173-177

Learn from Others: Review on Companies with Sustainable Going Concern Issue Audit Opinion (Study on Manufacturing Company Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange at the Period of 2009 – 2011 and 2012 - 2017)

Aida Wijaya, Lasmanah and Rika Fitriani

Pages: 178-189

The Effect of Investment Instrument of the Pension Fund toward Return on Investment of Defined Benefit Pension Plan from Employer Pension Fund in Indonesia

Alfiana, Ervina CM Simatupang, Bachtiar Asikin and Listiana Sri Mulatsih

Pages: 190-196

Implementation of the Regulation of Pension Fund Investment Instruments and their Impact toward the Return on Investment Industry of Financial Institution Pension Funds in Indonesia

Alfiana, Ervina CM Simatupang and Siska Putri

Pages: 197-203

Effect of Brand Association on Consumer Response in Converse Shoes

Andhi Sukma, Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi and Obsatar Sinaga

Pages: 204-212

Official Fixed Asset Management Using Straight Line Depression Method

Ase Suryana and Erwin Yulianto

Pages: 213-226

The Effect of Organizational Culture and Work Discipline against Employees Performance Polytechnic “X” Bandung

Andi Budiawan, Rd. Herman Sofyandi and Nugraha Saefudin

Pages: 227-233

The Effect of Volume Capital, Firm Value, Institutional Ownership and Total Assets Turnover on Stock Price: Case Study in Kompas 100 Index of Company Stock Prices for the Period of 2013 - 2017

Andina Nur Fathonah and Bachtiar Asikin

Pages: 234-238

Therapy of Community-based Art Knowledge Transfer for People with Disabilities: Sensation Method Development

Anne Nurfarina and Nadia Arfan

Pages: 239-245

Conceptual Model for the External Factors Affecting Project Performance Using PESTLE Factors

Layth Salman Khalid and Ismail Abdul Rahman

Pages: 246-250

Pencak Silat as a Reflection on National Culture (The Role of Digital Marketing in Increasing Public Awareness)

Annisa Lisdayanti, Ayuningtyas Yuli Hapsari and Vincentia Wahju

Pages: 251-257

Review of Consumer Purchase Intention for Nokia Smartphones and Nokia 3310 Feature Phone

A.B. Santoso, S. Oktafien and Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi

Pages: 258-261
